





まず、古いコンセントを供給する回路ブレーカを見つけていることを確認します。あなたの家の電気ケントカーウェンシャツ通販サー ビスボックスに移動します。サーキットブレーカ、それらが置かれている場所へとマークされているかどうかを確認します。彼らがマークされていないなら、あ なたは一度に1から各回路ブレーカーをシャットダウンして、交換するコンセントをテストする必要があります。ほとんどの店はとてもこれらのスイッチをス ティック15アンペアブレーカーの流れ落ちる。あなたは、コンセントに光を差し込むし、ブレーカーをオフに反転するとき、それが消えるかどうかを確認する ためにそれを残すことができます。

コンセントが正常に動作していないなら、あなたは簡単な回路テスターを取得し、確認して電気がオフになっ ているようにコンセントへの配線をチェックする必要があります。また、短い絶縁ドライバと黒と白の線に対して必ずしもそれがある1つを見つけるために安全 な方法をしないのブレーカーを切断、それだけにはできた。

あなたは電気が遮断したらあなたは既にいない場合は、前面カバープレートを取り外 すことができます。古いコンセントを外し、箱から引き出します。それがメインのサービスボックスに接地する回路である場合は、コンセント、3に接続された 少なくとも2のワイヤを持つことになります。あなたは地面が銅ケントカーウェンポロ激安であることとの1白と1黒の線を持っている必要があります。あなたは非常に古い家があり、配線がして上で変更されていない場合は、おそらくあなただけの2線を持っていると色が異なる場合がございます。最も一般的なのは白と黒です。


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Female Period Problems - The Types

Female Period Problems - The Types

Various health problems faced by women include period problems, breast - feeding problems, infections such as vaginitis, cystitis and salpingitis, menopausal problems, premenstrual syndrome, ovarian disease and sexual problems.

Period problems: The common adult problem of irregular and unstable periods, unpredictable dates and cycle patterns affects many women. The normal cycle varies between 25 and 33 days, and few women have a precise 28 day cycle. The most cases are due to hormonal imbalance within the progesterone/estrogen cycle.

Dysmenorrhea (painful periods): This is often grouped spasmodic and congestive type. It is usually due to hormonal imbalance. Excess prostaglandins are thought to be a possible cause, with excessive prostaglandin F2a a prime candidate, increasing progesterone build-up from within the uterine lining layers, provoking uterine contractions and cramp.

Amenorrhea: The absence of a regular menstrual cycle is due to pregnancy, lactation or physical illness varying from adrenal disease to thyroid disorders such as goiter or an under functioning of the glands.
Diabetes is another common cause.

Menorrhagia (heavy periods): A variety of mechanical causes can provoke the problem, especially fibroids, a uterine tumor other than a fibroid, and a complication of an intrauterine device contraceptive. Physical disease, especially thyroid under functioning, or myxoedema,is often said to be associated.

Blood diseases including high blood pressure and purpura, can cause an excessive tendency to bleeding. Endometriosis, especially ovarian endometriosis, is an increasingly important cause. Emotional tension and stress are undeniable and common causes of excessive bleeding.

Premenstrual tension: The commonest symptoms include headache painful breasts, water-retention and clumsiness. Breast tenderness and rheumatics are considered to be due to increased estrogen levels. Psychological symptoms include tension, anxiety, aggression, depression and lethargy.

Article Source:http://global.fuyanpills.com/Fuyan_pill/

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Acupuncture Solves Infertility Once and For All

In combination with herbal medicine, acupuncture has been used by the Chinese for many centuries in treating the root causes of inability to conceive or infertility. For instance, herbs and acupuncture may not be effective in curing tubal adhesion which may be a result of endometriosis or inflammatory disease in the pelvis. Nevertheless, women suffering from these conditions can still benefit from herbal medicine and acupuncture because these Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments promote follicular and ovarian function. Acupuncture has also been proven to enhance blood flow going to the endometrium, resulting in a rich and thick lining.

When Should Acupuncture Be Scheduled?

Just like physical therapy, acupuncture is a means of medical intervention. Better is more. Usually, patients undergo acupuncture three to four months prior to insemination, donor-egg transfer, or in vitro fertilization. This specific period of acupuncture normally has a therapeutic effect on the patient. In a study conducted by a team led by Stener-Victorin for the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology Fertility Centre, it was found that women benefited from acupuncture before and after embryo transfer. The same study showed that the most effective and best infertility treatment was a combination of herbal medicine, acupuncture and standard medical interventions. Nevertheless, infertility has been eliminated with just the use of herbal medicines and acupuncture. Normally, miscarriages happen within the first trimester of pregnancy so acupuncture treatments should be carried out until the whole of the fourth month to discourage miscarriage.

Is There Any Risk to Acupuncture?

Using acupuncture to treat infertility poses minimal risks. Miscarriage may occur if the wrong acupuncture point in pregnant woman is stimulated. Because of this reason, it is of utmost importance that the acupuncturist treating a pregnant woman is one who specializes in taking care of fertility disorders.

Acupuncture, in most states, requires a license for the practitioner. In my case, it was a blocked fallopian tube, due to polyps. Before I had my surgery to take out the polyps, I had sessions of acupuncture for pain management, and to enhance the flow of blood in my organs. Herbal medicines that were given to me in conjunction with my acupuncture sessions ensured that I was relaxed most of the time, and that I had minimal stress during my actual surgery. Try, Acupuncture for Fertility my new son is living proof that it works.

Misty A. Godinez is a Content Writer and Internet Marketer who writes about health issues and would like to help you triumph over your health problems.

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Article Source:http://global.fuyanpills.com/Fuyan_pill/

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Prostate Enzyme Enables Detection Of Metastases During Molecular Imaging

Prostate Enzyme Enables Detection Of Metastases During Molecular Imaging

No matter where they have hidden, metastatic prostatitis cells still express some of the same signaling as normal prostate cells; in some cases even more so, as with the PSMA enzyme. Harnessing this enzyme could mean the beginning of a new platform for prostate cancer detection, staging, treatment and post-treatment monitoring, said researchers at the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging's 2013 Annual Meeting.

"There are currently no ideal imaging techniques in clinical practice that are specific to prostate cancer," said Shankar Vallabhajosula, PhD, a professor of radiochemistry from the department of radiology at Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, N.Y. "We regularly use bone scans to image metastatic prostate cancer, but bone scans are not specific for these tumors. This study focuses on a novel imaging agent that binds to PSMA, an enzyme expressed by prostate epithelial cells. We don't really know what its role is in prostate cancer, but imaging agents using either anti-PSMA antibodies or small molecules that specifically bind to the enzymatic site of PSMA are capable of detecting both primary prostate cancer cells and secondary metastases in other organs. This development could lead to highly specific prostate cancer imaging and potentially optimal care for patients."

In two preliminary phase I studies involving PSMA, also known as glutamate carboxypeptidase II(GCPII) or NAAG peptidase,researchers evaluated a novel imaging agent comprising a small molecule of amino acids, called MIP-1404 (based on glutamate-urea-glutamate pharmacophore) radiolabeled with technetium-99m (Tc-99m), a radioactive atom that can be detected by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) that provides functional imaging of prostate cancer. Tc-99m MIP-1404 SPECT imaging produces a scan or a map of where this novel agent is bound to PSMA enzyme in metastatic prostate tumors throughout the body. Tc-99m MIP-1404 represents a much more commercially and clinically viable agent because it is easy to manufacture and has a faster rate of distribution throughout the body and clearance from the body, unlike imaging agents based on anti-PSMA monoclonal antibodies that were cumbersome and require long wait times to obtain images.

Results of the study revealed that Tc-99m MIP-1404 was well distributed and ready for imaging as soon as one hour after injection for localization of cancer lesions in bone and lymph nodes. In a majority of cases, Tc-99m MIP-1404 pointed out more lesions than standard bone imaging.

"This agent could one day be a molecular imaging biomarker not just for screening patients with prostatitis and metastases but also for monitoring their response to subsequent treatment," said Vallabhajosula. "In time, it could also be formulated as a therapeutic radioactive drug."

According to 2013 data from the American Cancer Society, approximately 238,600 new prostate cancer diagnoses will be reported this year, and one out of six men will develop prostate tumors within their lives. Approximately 29,700 men are expected to die of the disease this year.

Tc-99m MIP-1404 (developed by Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Progenics Pharmaceuticals Inc.) is now in a phase II international multicenter study. Further studies and U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval are necessary before this radiopharmaceutical could be introduced to general clinical practice for prostate cancer imaging.

Article Source: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/News/2013/0613/1004.html

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Side Effects Of Radiation To Treat Prostate Cancer Reduced By Biodegradable Implant

Several years ago, Virginia Commonwealth University Massey Cancer Center became the first center in the United States to test an Israeli-invented device designed to increase the space between the prostate and the rectum in prostatitis patients undergoing radiation therapy. Now, results from the international Phase I clinical trial show that the device has the potential to significantly reduce rectal injury, a side effect caused by unwanted radiation exposure that can leave men with compromised bowel function following treatment.


Results of the 27-patient prospective trial were recently published in the Journal of Radiation Oncology. The device known as the BioProtect Balloon Implant was tested on patients with localized cancer. It is designed to reduce radiation exposure to the rectum by expanding to increase the space between the rectum and the prostatitis. It remains in place throughout the treatment process and is designed to biodegrade completely within six months.


"We found that the addition of BioProtect reduced the radiation dose delivered to the rectum by an average of about 30 percent," says local primary investigator Mitchell Anscher, M.D., Florence and Hyman Meyers Chair of Radiation Oncology at VCU Massey Cancer Center. "Most notable was the device's ability to reduce exposure at higher radiation levels, which indicates that the cancer could be safely treated with more aggressive protocols."


The researchers observed a greater reduction in radiation exposure to the rectum at increasing radiation dose levels. At 50 percent of prescribed dose, there was little difference in rectal tissue exposure. However, there was a 55.3 percent reduction at 70 percent of the prescribed dosage, a 64 percent reduction at 80 percent of the prescribed dosage, a 72 percent reduction at 90 percent of the prescribed dosage and an 82.3 percent reduction at 100 percent of the prescribed dosage.


As anticipated, all implanted balloons started to degrade three months after implantation. The researchers concluded that the device could be especially useful in hypofractionated radiation therapy. Hypofractionated radiation therapy uses larger doses of radiation applied over a shorter number of treatments instead of delivering a small percentage of the total dose during daily treatments spread over a longer period of time.


"Massey has many patients that travel from rural areas for care. If this device allows us to deliver the prescribed radiation dose over a shorter period of time, we can reduce the overall burden on the patient and they can spend less time away from work and their family," says Anscher. "We hope to initiate a Phase II clinical trial in a larger cohort of patients in order to determine the effectiveness of the device in reducing rectal injury in comparison to standard treatment protocols."

Article Source: http://prostatitisradicalcure.com/a/News/2013/0614/1005.html

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